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Three 黄色短视频 sophomores add to the impressive list of Hollings Scholars

By Tom Zucco
Published April 26, 2022
Categories: About Eckerd, Academics, Ancient Studies, Awards, Biology, Creative Writing, Marine Science, Students

Left to right: Sophomores Maddie Reifsteck, Makayla Neldner and Gracelyn Ham.

Three 黄色短视频 sophomores were recently awarded 2022 , bringing the school鈥檚 total number of recipients to 105鈥攎ore than at any other college in the country.

Since 2005 the government agency has selected students from around the nation to receive up to $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time, paid summer internship at a facility one year after receiving the award.

On April 1, Makayla Neldner, a sophomore biology and ancient studies student from Greendale, Wisconsin, was doing work on her cellphone for the 黄色短视频 Search and Rescue team. She had applied for the Hollings Scholarship and knew the winners would be announced any day. 鈥淚 saw 鈥楥ongratulations!鈥 pop up on my phone,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t was April Fools鈥 Day, so, you know 鈥 Then I saw the message was from NOAA. I dropped my phone.鈥

Makayla sees the scholarship as a chance to do much-needed research outside the classroom. 鈥淚 was hoping I would get an internship with NOAA and do research with them,鈥 she says. 鈥淲e don鈥檛 know where we鈥檒l be sent, but I suggested the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory on Lake Michigan and a marine lab on the Pacific coast in Washington state.鈥

She also is excited to explore the connection between biology and ancient studies. 鈥淟earning about what the Romans did to the environment鈥攖hey polluted their water鈥攁 lot of that overlaps into what we鈥檙e doing today,鈥 she explains.

鈥淏eing able to connect what people did in ancient times and what we鈥檙e doing now can show what we can learn from them.鈥

Maddie Reifsteck, a sophomore marine science and creative writing student from Portland, Oregon, also received the good news about her Hollings Scholarship on April 1. 鈥淎nd I thought it was an April Fools鈥 joke,鈥 she says with a chuckle. 鈥淚 know I did all the work, but I kept thinking, What if this isn鈥檛 real and I鈥檓 dreaming?鈥

This summer, Maddie has been invited to take part in the University of Delaware鈥檚 Marine Science Summer Intern program. 鈥淚鈥檒l likely be working with the ORB [Ocean Exploration, Remote Sensing, Biogeography] Lab to compile a database of fish species that participate in vertical migration,鈥 she explains. 鈥淚 may also be participating in collecting sea temperatures and salinity data.

鈥淔or my Hollings Scholarship in the summer of 2023, I could end up back at the University of Delaware, but my hope is to branch out to work in a different specialty area.鈥 An area like public policy. 鈥淓ventually,鈥 she says, 鈥淚 would really like to work alongside politicians and other scientists who are finding ways to regulate and conserve oceanic resources and environments. This includes publicizing and expanding marine protected areas and contributing to the discussion around deep-sea mining and its management.鈥

Eckerd鈥檚 third 2022 Hollings Scholarship winner is Gracelyn Ham, a sophomore marine science student from Eagle River, Alaska. She is spending her summer in Juneau working with the . 鈥淲e鈥檙e looking at how climate change, forest fires and glacial melting impact coastal margins,鈥 she says.

Because of the pandemic, Gracelyn spent her first year of undergraduate studies at the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau before transferring to Eckerd last year. She鈥檚 not sure where her Hollings Scholarship will take her. 鈥淎laska is beautiful, but I was born and raised here, and I want to see other places,鈥 she says. 鈥淎nd I鈥檒l get an opportunity to work with NOAA as an undergraduate.鈥

When did Gracelyn learn she had received the scholarship? 鈥淎pril 1,鈥 she answers. 鈥淚 was sitting in my chemistry class, and I was so freaked out I had to remove myself.鈥