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3-week Autumn Term orientation

Start things off right

Our “Autumn Term” gives you time to adjust.

Many colleges squeeze their introduction to college life into three or four days. Not us. Our orientation lasts three whole weeks. You focus on one class for credit, meet other first-year students and learn the ideas and habits you’ll need for the next four years.

The professor who teaches your Autumn Term class will be your mentor throughout your first year. Along with your upperclass Peer Mentor, he or she will guide you through this first important year.

Peer mentors

Peer mentors help you learn the ropes. From course registration to finding new hangouts, they’re always around for free advice.

Students stand by Lulu Miller to ask her questions

Summer reading

A lot of colleges ask you to read a book before you report to campus. But here, you actually get to meet the author鈥攚e’re talking well-known personalities, artists and scientists鈥攁s part of our speaker series.

Ceremony of Lights 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Livestreamed on YouTube

The annual Ceremony of Lights is an Eckerd tradition that marks the beginning of academic life for every new student.

Students join their Autumn Term faculty mentors and peer mentors in McArthur Physical Education Center. After a formal welcome and reception, and an address from President Jim Annarelli, students affirm the Honor Pledge and then receive the flame from the Lamp of Knowledge by hand-held candle.

Ceremony of Lights medallion

New students are presented with a medallion emblazoned with the Triton shell. Generations of Eckerd students have received this medallion as a welcome into the company of scholars. It serves as a reminder of the accomplishments that earned students their place in the Eckerd community and as a symbol of hope for all that is to come.