Pet Life

Pets play a special role on our campus

Loyal. Loving. Always waiting by the door. If you have a pet, you know what we mean. There鈥檚 something about that adorable little face that instantly makes the day a little brighter.

Every year since 1973, we鈥檝e welcomed pets on our campus. We know that by bringing your dog or cat or ferret, you鈥檙e bringing a little bit of home with you. So bring it. Check out the .

No. 1 pet-friendly college

Google search “pet friendly college” and good chance you’ll see Eckerd ranked first in the nation for the most pet-friendly college by the likes of , , ,听 and others. Two of our resident ferrets were even featured in !

Pet Graduation


Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Fox Hall

The 聽took place in Fox Hall. We always look forward to celebrating our loyal companions during this delightful Eckerd tradition.

Welcoming your best friend to campus

Nothing but the best for princess

In keeping with the role they play in students’ lives, we treat resident pets to some pretty sweet perks:

  • Every spring we have a , complete with “diplomas” presented by our president. Check out some聽.
  • Every October we hold a , patron saint of animals.
  • We’ve even celebrated a !


The low-down on college with your pet

  • You may bring your large pet to campus as early as your second semester living on campus.
  • You may bring your small pet to campus as early as your first semester living on campus.
  • You must register your large pet or small pet with the Pet Life Staff. All pets must meet the registration and inoculation requirements.
  • Small pets in cages are permitted in all residence halls. Large pets, defined as dogs, cats, rabbits, chinchillas, and ferrets are only allowed in large pet housing.